Category: Yacht
Beautiful Indonesia
4 years ago

Independence Day Indonesia 2021

The 17th of August is Indonesian Independence Day, a day of national celebration in the country. Known as “Hari Kemerdekaan”, it’s one of the biggest holidays in Indonesia. Every year it’s marked with festivities across the country. It is a day to celebrate Indonesia’s proclamation of independence on 17 August 1945. For many weeks leading …

Schooling Surgeonfish
4 years ago

Castle Rock – Bucket List Dive Site

In a country with over 17,000 islands, there are a lot of places for scuba divers to explore. The diving in Indonesia is known as one of the premiere destinations in the world. On the Samata, we love introducing our guests to the best diving Indonesia has to offer. Whether you are an experienced diver …

Indonesian Cuisine
4 years ago

Indonesian Spice – Local Flavors

Indonesia has a long association with exotic spices. The search for the home of eastern spices was one of the key triggers to European exploration of the world. In fact, it was the search for spices that led to Columbus reaching the Americas. The history of Indonesia is deeply intertwined with the insatiable desire of …