Month: March 2021
1 year ago

The Importance of Responsible Interaction with Marine Life

Protecting Our Oceans for Future Generations Marine life is under constant threat from human activity, with many species facing extinction as a result of pollution, overfishing, and other harmful practices. However, by taking a responsible approach to our interaction with the ocean, we can help to preserve this incredible ecosystem for generations to come. The …

Manta Dampier Strait
2 years ago

Dampier Strait – Raja Ampat

The Dampier Strait lies in the heart of Raja Ampat. This strait separates the mainland of West Papua from the northern island of Waigeo. Not only is it home to many of the main settlements in the area, it boasts many incredible attractions. Our Raja Ampat luxury cruises always feature time in the strait to …

Moyo Waterfall
2 years ago

New Four Day Adventure Itinerary

The Samata is happy to announce a new itinerary that will be available starting in April 2023. Our new four day adventure itinerary is the perfect luxury cruise for visitors to Bali. As more people are looking to explore what is beyond Bali we are excited to introduce this new itinerary. We believe our new …